App Testing & Cybersecurity for Software Company Seedlabs

Seedlabs background

Seedlabs is an innovative software company focused on developing cutting-edge web and mobile applications. With a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions, they cater to a diverse client base. As they expanded their offerings, Seedlabs recognized the importance of ensuring the security and reliability of their applications to maintain client trust and satisfaction.

The Problem

To uphold their reputation and deliver exceptional products, Seedlabs faced challenges related to bugs in their web and mobile applications. Additionally, they sought a thorough assessment of their IT infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities that could pose risks to their systems and data. Comprehensive QA and cybersecurity support were crucial to address these issues.

Our Solution


Week 1: Initial Assessment and Planning

Co-Ventech partnered with Seedlabs to understand their specific needs for QA testing and cybersecurity. We outlined a comprehensive testing strategy focused on both application quality and infrastructure security.


Week 2: QA Testing and Stress Testing

Manual QA testing was conducted on both web and mobile applications using tools like Selenium and Appium. We also performed stress testing on APIs utilizing JMeter and Locust to evaluate performance under peak loads.


Week 3: IT Security Audit

A comprehensive IT security audit was performed using Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP to identify vulnerabilities within the infrastructure. This included testing for common security threats and weaknesses.

The Journey

Seedlabs embarked on a mission to enhance both the quality of their applications and the security of their IT infrastructure. Through Co-Ventech's detailed QA assessments and cybersecurity audits, the team was able to identify and address critical bugs and vulnerabilities. The collaboration ensured that not only were immediate issues resolved, but also that Seedlabs was better equipped to face future challenges. The focus on understanding Seedlabs' industry further enriched the deliverables, aligning them with the company's long-term goals.

Tools and Technologies

Burp Suite



Improved Application Quality

Co-Ventech successfully identified and resolved multiple bugs across both web and mobile applications, significantly enhancing user experience.

Ongoing Collaboration and Support

Regular communication and progress updates fostered a strong partnership, ensuring that Seedlabs was informed and involved in all remediation efforts.
Hero image showcasing an intuitive bank account management interface with credit card details.

Strengthened Infrastructure Security

The comprehensive IT security audit led to the identification of critical vulnerabilities, which were effectively remediated.

Increased Client Satisfaction

The enhancements to application quality and security resulted in higher client satisfaction and trust in Seedlabs' services, reinforcing their reputation in the market.
Yameen Malik
Co-CTO, Seed Labs
Thanks to Co-Ventech's efforts, the client was able to identify bugs and mitigate bugs within their apps; they also found vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure.

The team had good project management skills and was extremely open to learning about the client's business and industry.

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Trusted by 50+ global clients, with 200+ projects and a 95% retention rate delivering success through innovative solutions.
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